Import Events

Import Events

  • 1. Your Excel data should be in the format below. The first line of your Excel file should be the column headers as in the table example. Also make sure that your file is UTF-8 to avoid unnecessary encoding problems.
  • 2. If the column you are trying to import is date make sure that is formatted in format (mm/dd/yyyy).
  • 3. Duplicate Incident Category and Address rows won't be imported.
* Incident is significant? Incident Category * Incident Target City DateTime Address Injured Criminal/Terrorist Injured Civilian Injured LEA Dead Criminal/Terrorist Dead Civilian Dead LEA Islamic Month Responsibility Source Incident Details
Yes or No Text Text Text Text 12/30/2019 5:10 Text 500 characters only NumberOnly NumberOnly NumberOnly NumberOnly NumberOnly Text Text Text Text 500 characters only